Friday, January 20, 2006

Granholm Wows Dems in Mount Pleasant

"What a dynamo." "I loved her energy." "I am so glad I didn't miss her, she is terrific."

Those were just a few of the comments we heard Friday afternoon after Gov. Jennifer Granholm met with several hundred Mid-Michigan Democrats at the Holiday Inn.

Even County Commissioner David Ling, who has been teaching communications at CMU for more decades than he cares to remember, was blown away with the Granholm performance. "I just wish more people could see what we saw today," Dr. Ling said.

It was as much a performance as it was a speech that Isabella Democrats and our friends from nearby counties were impressed with. Most of them had never seen the Governor do her thing before. Even holding two microphones, Granholm was full of dramatic movement and gestures as she spoke about her efforts to diversify Michigan's economy and create jobs, both short term and long term.

One of the highlights of the Governor's speech was her interaction with 8-year-old second grader, Emily, the granddaughter of union activist Caroline Ross. The Governor had Emily raise her hand to recite a pledge that she would go on to college. Young Emily came back to get the Governor's autograph. We bet she won't forget the day she met the Governor.

The entire speech and more were videotaped for ICDP-TV and will be shown soon on Public Access TV, Charter Cable Channel 3 in Gratiot, Clare and Isabella Counties. We will also make the tape available to any other Democrats who would like to show the video in other parts of the state on public access.

Dave Ling was right. Everybody should see this one.


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