Sunday, January 15, 2006

Democrats Have a Great Night in Mt. Pleasant

The food, the speakers and the comraderie of Democrats from 14 counties of the Fourth Congressional District combined to make a great Saturday night out. It was the first annual dinner of the district committee and chair Julie Nelson and a cadre of volunteers helped make the event a marvelous success.

One of the biggest surprises of the evening was the presence of two impressive Democratic candidates getting ready to take on Mike Cox for attorney general. Both Alexander Lipsey and Scott Bowen got to introduce themselves to our part of the state.

Michigan Democratic Party Chair Mark Brewer was his usually feisty self and House Democratic Caucus Leader Dianne Byrum gave a rousing speech to get the troops fired up for 2006.

One of the highlights of the evening was Montcalm County's favorite son, Mike Huckleberry, who will be taking on Dave Camp to represent us in Congress. It was the first major speech for Mike in 2006 and he touched on issues of major concerns to Democrats.

Folks in Isabella, Gratiot and Clare counties who have cable TV will be able to see it all on public access Channel 3 as soon as we can put the final finishes on the raw footage shot by ICDP-TV crews during the interview. We have a new TV star in our midst too, since CMU Dem Andy Leavitt, took his first shot at interviewing Democrats for ICDP-TV.


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