Thursday, August 11, 2005

Good Times With Mike at the Fair

The ICDP has 30 volunteers working the Isabella County Fair this year and the response has been phenomenal. While Republicans down the aisle have been mostly absent thus far during the fair, folks are flocking to the Democratic Pary booth to sign petitions to increase Michigan's minimum wage and to save Social Security.

Mike Huckleberry, chairman of the Montcalm County Dems, was on hand Wednesday night to meet and greet folks along with our volunteers. Mike, if you remember, ran for Congress last year against solidly entrenched Republican Congressman Dave Camp. A restaurant owner from Greenville, Mike says he wants to do it again and that he has learned a lot from his first ever election campaign.

Mike rose quickly to attention in 2004 as a result of an interview on Bill Moyers PBS TV show. On that show Mike spoke for millions of Americans who have been aggrieved by the economic policies that have caused huge losses of American manufacturing jobs.

Here's where you can find the transcript of that show --


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