Saturday, April 29, 2006

Republicans at Maple Syrup Festival Have Bush Problems

It was surprising to hear so many Republicans stopping by our table at the Shepherd Maple Syrup Festival yesterday and today telling us that they can't stomache George W. Bush. While many local Democrats and Democrats from Lansing, Detroit, Swartz Creek and Jackson stopped by to give us encouragement and purchase our buttons and cookbooks, there were a surprising number of Republicans who told us they normally vote with the GOP, but not this year.

Several older Republican women said they couldn't stand Dick DeVos and will vote for Jennifer over him. "What did he do with Amway?" said one Republican matron. "He ran it into the ground and then laid people off. What does he know about creating jobs?" Of course, the Maple Syrup Festival poll is not scientific, but there sure seems to be a lot of wisdom coming out of Maple Syrup Town.

Quite a few folks also glanced at our brand new Isabella County Democratic Party cookbooks and asked us where the Republican cookbooks were. We told them the Republican cookbook had gone out of business because the recipes were too hard to swallow.


Blogger Scott said...

Sorry I couldn't make it.

The likely story behind the Republican cookbooks? Unlike ours (printed in capitalist America), the GOP ones are being printed off in Communist China.

11:46 PM  

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