Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Obama Leads Clinton at Isabella County Fair

The straw poll being conducted at the Isabella County Democratic Party's booth at the County Fair is admittedly very unscientific and it was just the first shift on opening night of the Merchants Building of a week long event.

But the results were not far off from what many Democrats are thinking -- that there are three front runners in the early part of the Democratic presidential race and the rest of the candidates aren't making much of an impression.

It will be interesting to see how fair week ends and our mini election process finally tallies out. But we did manage to convince a small bunch of fair voters to circle their favorite candidate and slip their ballot into our little blue ballot box.

The results were Obama - 9 votes, Clinton - 7 votes, Edwards - 3 votes and Dodd - 1 vote. The other four got no votes.

We were a bit disappointed that so many folks declined the opportunity to vote, but we understand when elephant ears and lamb judging contests await, it may be difficult to interest some folks in politics. "I'm not registered," one reluctant non-participant offered. But she also declined when we offered a real registration card. That was a low point for a political activist.

But it was good to see the interest from so many folks who came to us to tell us they see themselves as independents, but will be voting Democratic for president. One independent made a point to tell us he was an Obama supporter. "He's not like some of those other Democrats," he said as he walked away. I wanted to ask him a bit more, but had another person waiting to chat.

The initial results at the county fair are not unlike what voters were telling us at the Shepherd Maple Syrup Festival earlier this spring. Isabella County could be an Obama, Clinton close one. It will be fun to follow.


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